Monday, 26 September 2011


We are getting asked to cater events in London more and more as the word spreads and our army of Gourmet Lovers grows. Whats not to love? Catering events in London you are rewarded with so many amazing events and so many eager and appreciative palates who you can take risks with. Last week we were more than chuffed to get a call from one of our first events catering clients to cater another gallery event at London College of Fashion. You might remember last year we catered the food for the launch of the London college of fashion Fashion Space Gallery. Well we were very excited to be asked to help once again for a very special event  'A Short History of Facial Hair' by David McDiarmid.

Whilst last year we focused mainly on sweet treats the likes of  blue velvet cupcakes and whoopie pies,  for this event we were asked to provide more savoury options as well including: 

Salt and pepper asparagus spears with quails eggs and miso relish

 Baby corn fritters with spicy avocado salsa

Pumpkin and parmasan savoury scones and sweet scones with honeycomb and lavender butter.
(photo from earlier event)

With Bex (the self confessed cupcake queen ) away in Spain it was a lot of work for me to undertake alone so I focussed my attention on the savoury dishes and outsourced the mini cupcakes to the most excellent and dependable hummingbird. They were amazing as always, but I would always take say one of Bex's Turkish & Pistachio cupcakes over a hummingbird any day ;)

Sweet treats - vanilla cupcakes with lilac frosting 

As of October Bex will be back at Gourmet Lovers HQ so you can hire us 24/7 for all your Events catering needs in London. 

As you know we currently run our Brunch Club which is ramping up to twice or more a month and as well as baking a lot of cupcakes and sweet treats we love creating modern, fresh, unique dishes which we cater for your event. 

Get in touch via for any events catering needs or if you'd like to join us for brunch in the upcoming months. 

Huge hi-five to Greg his mad quails egg peeling / photography skills and general awesomeness.

Also thanks also to Magda at Fashion Space Gallery for her support. Go check out the exhibit!.

David McDiarmidA Short History of Facial Hair
16.09.11 – 29.10.1

Fashion Space Gallery
London College of Fashion
20 John Princes Street
Google Maps
Opening Hours

Monday–Friday: 10am–6pm
Saturday: 10am–4pm
Sunday: Closed
Admission: Free


Anonymous said...

Asparagus looks divine and purple cakes will remember for our Festival For all kids inMarch when all cookies and cakes are purple in celebration of children wherever they live;)

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