Sunday, 3 July 2011


Well I've decided to go on a quest... I LOVE helado/ gelato/ ice cream and I've been eating it almost every day here in Barcelona. SO BAD. I've had Roquefort flavour, Pannacotta, Creme Catalan.. oh wow, it's all so tasty.

Roquefort and creme catalan helado

There are certainly  a lot of helado shops, a lot of great ones for sure and some that are selling name brand pre made helado, these may be full of preservatives though and not fresh! I like artisan heladerias who make their own unique flavours on site preservative free with fresh ingredients. So why not document my helado adventures from now on I thought.

On Friday night I went to a Italian owned shop with a friend who recommends this as the best Heladeria in Barcelona. Gelaaati Di Marco! in Barrio Gotic.
I had a grande cup, €4.50 with 3 scoops, Avocado, Piccante (chilli chocolate) and Liquorice.
I ate this so ridiculously quickly, Im such a pig it was the loveliest helaldo I've had in a long time.

Chilli chocolate, beware its rather spicy!

Avocado, piccante & licorice

Creme catalan, Zuppa Inglese

 Back row-  peach, raspberry & avocado
Front row -  mango

Gelaaati has many different flavours, made on premises with fresh natural ingredients. They were happy to let me try a few flavours before I decided on my three. nom nom nom!!  Go here, I can't wait to try them all.

Gelaaati Di Marco 
Carrer de la Llibreteria, 7
08002 Barcelona, Spain
933 105 045


Nick P said...

Get. In. My. Bell-ly!

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