Roquefort and creme catalan helado
There are certainly a lot of helado shops, a lot of great ones for sure and some that are selling name brand pre made helado, these may be full of preservatives though and not fresh! I like artisan heladerias who make their own unique flavours on site preservative free with fresh ingredients. So why not document my helado adventures from now on I thought.
On Friday night I went to a Italian owned shop with a friend who recommends this as the best Heladeria in Barcelona. Gelaaati Di Marco! in Barrio Gotic.
I had a grande cup, €4.50 with 3 scoops, Avocado, Piccante (chilli chocolate) and Liquorice.
I ate this so ridiculously quickly, Im such a pig it was the loveliest helaldo I've had in a long time.
Chilli chocolate, beware its rather spicy!
Avocado, piccante & licorice
Creme catalan, Zuppa Inglese
Back row- peach, raspberry & avocado
Front row - mango

Gelaaati Di Marco
Carrer de la Llibreteria, 7
08002 Barcelona, Spain
933 105 045
Get. In. My. Bell-ly!
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